White Label Hospitality
White Label Hospitality provides a ticketing and hospitality service for sports, music, theatre and cultural events across the UK. They wanted to refresh their branding and online presence to market their services more effectively to high-net-worth individuals and corporate clients.

Visual identity
The previous iteration of the logo was unbalanced and difficult to read. The logotype and tagline are now proportioned to maintain legibility when applied at small sizes. The addition of a white rectangular "label" allows placement of the logo over colour and photography without losing clarity. Assets have been created following the shapes within the logo to reinforce the brand where a more impactful approach is required. The branding is now confident, distinctive and portrays exclusivity.

Digital design and UX
I redesigned the White Label website to enable visitors to quickly search for event listings, view availability and purchase online. A template for social media assets has also been established to maintain brand consistency across each social platform. View the website at wlhospitality.co.uk

If you want to work together on a design project, speak to me on 07539 619426 or email hello@gadesign.co